Saturday, July 25, 2009

Social, Economic, And Culture Aspect On Application Of The Agricultural Machinery In Indonesia, Will Machines Change Buffalo?

Fikri Al-Haq Fachryana (Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Indonesia)

Will the modern agricultural change the traditional agricultural? Had ready citizen to take the modern agricultural with application of agricultural engineering? Will the traditional tools have been changed by modern machines? Because labors, buffalo, etc will have been changed by tractor and other machines in the next period and now too. Although our country cannot take all them, but we must take them so that our agricultural prospect will better. The problem is that Indonesia is agricultural country. Indonesia has many assets but Indonesia have many labors that work for agricultural. Indonesia has much university that develops agricultural engineering for their students. Nevertheless, since 20th century our agricultural could not have developed. Many machines not used. Many machines that had been made by professor in the university can not used or can not implicated because the problem of cultural, social and economic. If we out look, application of agricultural engineering will make some effect for our live in the country. Many aspect that will have made by application of agricultural engineering. Some aspect is social, economic and cultural of society in the country.
In the social aspect, using of machines, system of modern agricultural will make some new classification of society. If machines change the traditional tools, animal and labor, so new classification of society will have appeared. The first class of society is labor. Nevertheless, this labor is not for work on rice field directly, but this labor is worker for operation of machines and system. The second class of society is landowner. Landowner is person that has land for agricultural process. Landowner will gate income from hire cost of their land agricultural. Landowner can work on their land by their selves and without businessperson of agricultural. Nevertheless, if landowner cannot work on their land by their selves so their land agricultural will have been hired for business of agricultural. So the third class of society is businessman of agricultural.
The businessperson will develop agricultural business. They will gate income from cultivation of land agricultural. They will to product agricultural commodity. They will sell products to market.
The businesspersons do not have machines for work on their agribusiness. Therefore, they must hire machines from machines owner. So the next class of society is machines owner. Machines owner will gate income from hire cost.
Beside of, the most important class of society is machines industry. Machine industry has the important role on the development of agricultural engineering. Machines industry will to product machines for agricultural.
Beside of the effect of applications agricultural engineering for social society is changing education in the society of Indonesian. Because citizen is claimed in order to understand about agricultural machines and operation of them. So education of society will be increase. Because of application of agricultural engineering will make the other high technology develop in the country.
The application of agricultural engineering will make effects for economic in the country. The traditional agricultural will have been changed by modern agricultural with modern system and modern machines in the operation of them from the effect will make “precision agricultural “. Precision agriculture is the system of agricultural that used measuring, operation system, work on accurately by measuring instrument and machines agricultural.
Beside of the profession of citizen will move from agricultural labor to industry labor. Because machines will change labor for agricultural processing. So they will work for machines production in the industry. Some of them will work for machines rental and machines owner. Because of this situation, income of citizen will be increase.
Application of agricultural engineering will develop the industry because machines must been made by industry. Trading company for machines agricultural will develop too. Because they will be needed by agricultural processing.
Because of good processing for agricultural, so the next period will be increase the product of agricultural commodity. Therefore, necessary of society will be satisfied. Beside of prices of agricultural commodity will be more abundant because cost product will be more decrease. Therefore, society will be prosperous.
Export for machines of agricultural will be increase because many industries will to product agricultural machines. Therefore, we can give some questions. Will industries agricultural machine of Indonesian lose from Myanmar? Why machines industries still many import products? We must to improve it! Yes, we must to improve it by agricultural engineering application.


The Role of Information Management System for Fisheries Farming in Shrimp City ( Cirebon )

Fikri Al-Haq Fachryana (Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Indonesia)

In 2007 Government of Indonesia will cooperate with Cirebon government to build harbor on a beach in sea of Cirebon area that will be a biggest harbor in south east Asian. Location of harbors in Gebang village, east of Cirebon or limit area between west Java and Center Java. Why the governments decide to build harbors in there? From where information is had gated?
Since 1990 forestry in Cirebon area has developed. There are had apply HPH ( Hak Kepemilikan Hutan ). In the time, many wood entrepreneurs buy forest area from government for wood production. Nevertheless, since 1999 HPH had lost from rule of forestry in Indonesia because many illegal logging has happened in Cirebon. In the other hand Cirebon have sugar farming which very large. Transportation for harvest with train but since 1998 not use train, but use truck. So, what kind of information management system that will be solution to result those problems?
System management in Cirebon not all use high technology like as computer system, but there are used statistical information with Statistic Center Build ( Badan Pusat Statistik ) in Cirebon. In BPS have information of fisheries, forestry, and farming. There is having information for count of fisher. From this information can help government for supply facilities fisheries such as fish ship for fisher in Cirebon. In Cirebon have three centers for fisher: Gebang, Mundu, and North Cirebon. In North Cirebon facilities more then Gebang and Mundu because as information from BPS in there is center of trade fish that there happen production and distribution fish harvest to local trade, national trading and international trading. Beside that in the trading system and process production of fish, Ciebon have many Sectors. First sector is labor fisher, this person not have facilities for fishing such as ship etc because they must rent from ship rental. They fishing and sale to consumers or give to entrepreneur fish in local area. They only get salary from companies. The second sector is to rent ship/facilities and ship industries. This person is that product/make ships for sale and rent. So beside from government, facilities of fishing are supplied from local industries. Third sector in trading of harvest fish.
From those information’s government can make a Rule to supply facilities for fishing in Cirebon precisely for affectivities and efficiency.
Beside that, we can make a information management system for fishing in Cirebon with basis data system. We must discover condition of sea in Cirebon about characteristically them. We must know about where area that many fish there are. We must know too all species of fish and character of them. We must know character of sea about Ph condition, hot condition, long and length of sea. With those information’s we can know where area that there are fishes.
Beside that we must know character of sea and fishes we must know sum of fishing facilities in all place ( Gebang, Mundu and North Cirebon ). Facilities which we know is ship, sale market, harbors, etc. With those, information’s government can make a rule for trading company of fishing in Cirebon.
Those information’s will be accurate and will be a basic for make rule of fishing. We will wait that Cirebon will be a biggest fishing city in 2007. I believe this will be happen with high information technology.


Estimation Of The Covered Area (Coverage) By Farm Machinery

Estimation Of The Covered Area (Coverage) By Farm Machinery
Toshiyuki Tsujimoto
Tsukuba International Agricultural Training Center

The utilization of machinery requires large investment on purchasing and the machinery are used for a long term, and cannot be compared to-materials, such as fertilizer and pesticide. Moreover, the fixed costs like depreciation amount on machinery, capital interest, taxes and insurance are composed no matter how long or short the usage period of the farm machinery equipment was during the year. Therefore the more longer period the machinery used and more field area covered by farm machinery, the more economical it will be per hour and hector. On the other hand, the farm machinery are not capable for usage all the .year around, like the industrial ones because crop production is influenced by season and weather.
Therefore, its usage period of farm machinery is restricted by each type of field work, each regional agriculture method, and growing period of the crops. Accordingly, to make economical use of the machines, it is necessary to make sure the machinery are purposely purchased and also needs plan to make good use of it.
If the utilization plan is not well prepared before the machineries are introduced, the economical charges might be increased by two reasons.
(1) unable to cover the fixed area within the limited work period
(2) machine cannot be used to full capacity because of too small area
Thus, the possible work area in the limited time by field work effi¬ciency of farm machinery is commonly called to be "the covered area by ma¬chinery." "This covered area (coverage)" is varied, even if the same machinery is used. The factor for variation are the climate where farmers are located, geo¬graphical feature and the farm management such as the character of group farm¬ing and the combination of the crops.
It is essential to establish the utilization plan of the efficient machinery work at first, then the work will proceed since the covered area is determined by the size of the machinery and its efficiency.


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